Homework on "A Thanksgiving Prayer "

Publié le par areyouready

This homework will have to be handed in  on Thursday , Nov, 29th or Friday,Nov,30th, depending on which class you are in. 

First thing to do: watch the video  twice at least. Then do the personal research (C) so as to understand the background and the context. Finally do the exercises on your sheet.

. Fill in the gaps in the text ("exercice lacunaire") : you can either paste this text on Word,  fill it in on your computer then print it , or handwrite it if you prefer .....

B.Explain the 10 words in your own terms: same as for A , either type the exercise or handwrite it.

Personal research: 1. Who was William S.Burroughs? What and who is he always associated with?  ~ 60 words
2. Who is the man this prayer is dedicated to? ~ 40 words 

D. Describe the video: a)  say what it consists in. ~ 40 words   b) say when the music precisely starts . c) explain what type of music it is ( choose a few relevant adjectives to describe it)   d)  find out who filmed that video. Do you know that man? why? e) why do you think he chose to film William Burroughs 's reading? ~ 40words

E.The images in the background: as you must have noticed, many different images illustrate William S.Burroughs 's words.
 1. Following the chronology of the video, list the ones you have noticed ( a minimum of ten!). 
2.Choose 5 and comment upon each .
3. According to you, which  ones are the most stricking or suggestive?

F. Comment upon this document: write a paragraph on the contents of this prayer,the main themes you can identify, the tone and style, as well as a few lines on your personal reaction to it.

                                 Comme vous l'avez sans doute compris -mais deux précautions valent mieux qu'une ..... - vous présenterez donc ce travail sur deux feuilles séparées, manuscrites ou tapées sur votre ordinateur.
Veillez à ce que la présentation soit claire et l'écriture lisible. Ce travail sera noté.
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